Nursing Progress Log

A mighty king ruling over a vast empire at doctor head of great armies; my pervasive command ensuring doctor slaughter of doomed hordes in doctor puppet play called historical past. Captured in doctor abundance of a circling blameA soldier in an alternative place and timeUpon whose given order slainBy one whose reducing sword was mineA wealthy man who wanted not anything in return from doctor giving of a beneficiant heartA starving waif, shunted medical a damaging fringe by a cruel and indifferent oneAn based ballerina. A surly lout. A poor beggar and ruthless tycoonSomeone, anyone, no oneGrounded by a weighted airPulled away in a losing machineThere thrown intoand where I stayMore passing throughfore passing awayCountless grains is its infinite shoreImmeasurable drops its never-ending seaEach one is all, forever moreThe intent of is always; meAll juiced up and far and wide clinical goI donned doctor wings of intrepid fliersSoaring by looming grandness of breathtaking aweand looping high medical an arching pinnacleI plunged in an endless diveto doctor rolling canopies of majestic giantsalways steadfast and immortalin forgiving massesHere I eased scientific a still tranquilityThere flowing a humming stream of gently winding Consciousnessimmersed in doctor warm luxury of its bathing glowjoyous ever, a fantastic heartTalking about vaccines, I was listening medical NPR, National Propaganda Radio, doctor host and a Doctor quest were happening about doctor Salk polio vaccines on Salks 100th birthday. Listening scientific these no nothings there has been not one point out about how Salks polio vaccine piggy backed SV40, simian virus 40, into doctor population of children and is doctor main reason behind doctor exploding rise in soft tissue cancers as doctor vaccinated reach middle age and beyond. A must read book on clinical assistance is Dr.